Thursday 19 February 2009

The 13th

As 13 is a special number, I decided that the 13th photo of this blog will be a special one, too. It is special, because it was taken in my favourite country, in my favourite town...

Yeah, sometimes I can be selfish. But who cannot?

So. Anyway. Let's change the topic. Where are we?
As this task turned out to be far too difficult (although I know the blog has had two visitors from the country in question), as a kind of clue, let me show another - rather hm... interesting - photo which was taken in the same town as the previous one. I hope it helps:



  1. Dresden? Looks very German to me

  2. Yes, it might look German - but it isn't. :) The photo was taken in a much smaller country than Germany, in one of its beautiful towns, which is famous for its catholic university...

  3. Hm... One more hint: this photo was taken in a lovely courtyard surrounded by small dwellings which were built to be the homes of religious women, who wanted to serve the God without being secluded to a far-away place to become "hermits". :)

  4. This was a hard one, but I finally have found it--this new picture is of the University Library in Leuven, Belguim.

  5. Grand!! Yesss, that is it. I suppose the big bug helped, didn't it. It is rather intriguing however to put such an ugly thing in the middle of a nice square... :D
    Anyway, the first photo was taken in a charming Beguine courtyard (I must confess, they are my favourite places, when we were in Belgium in 2006 and 2008, we HAD TO find the Beguine in each and every town and city :))... I will post a link or two, where you can read more about them and Leuven as well.

  6. Yes, and I neary forgot: Congratulations!
